“You are a vast universe within yourself.” — Tim Perkins

I totally just quoted myself based on the quote that inspired it… in the previous post. I’ve also managed to bury some of the more interesting stuff in this post at the bottom.

Which is something I think I’ll break up in the future. Concise informational posts rather than… this.

lol. Just like those recipe blogs where there are like 6 walls of text describing how they got to the recipe before the end of the post with the actual recipe. I ought to make some sort of index page sometime that points people toward the useful stuff rather than this rambling. I like rambling though.

I’ve managed to do something somewhat creative for a year.

And by “somewhat creative” I mean writing and journaling-ish for the past 12 months. About nothing in particular… but it has definitely been leaning toward ADHD/VAST related outcomes of whatever it was I was working on.

There are so many things to get distracted by. Then finishing whatever I’m finishing becomes something that I’ll do “tomorrow.” This absolutely impacts everything else in my life too. Not just writing.

I really had a different intent for the kind of posts I’d be posting for now. I’ve got so many funny things to write about.

So many.

And I’ve been told multiple times to write about them because a lot are pretty funny.

At least that’s what I’ve been told.

I do continue to feel as if I’ve kinda cheated on my daily journaling routine at times. Rumor has it that you’re supposed to write down daily happenings and ideas each day/night. I have been pretty questionable at doing that though.

Years ago I would have never guessed that my life ended up how it is now. At all. That presupposes some form of growth. Theoretically.

I have managed to write 3 posts a month though. Even though most of them are right at the end of the month, I’ve done it.

Which feels pretty good.

And at the same time, I stress myself out by meeting my self-imposed deadline in the last 3 days of the month. I’ve managed to post those posts though.

Mostly for me. Mostly to make an effort to implement some sort of content creation routine. Mostly to have an excuse to make sure I write something other than work-related e-mails.

All of which posted so far I’d consider relatively chaotic and inane. Which is kinda like me.

I was going to end up writing more about ADHD/VAST. I even have a bunch of stuff typed out already. So much stuff. The most stuff. More stuff than imaginable. Which is kinda false.

But, because of questionable time management, I kinda have to go do something else that is a high priority.

I really like how I quoted myself because I was gonna write something about VAST. Then I didn’t. So I’m gonna quote myself again.