“Thinking is difficult, that’s why most people judge.” — Carl Jung

I started thinking about this post on the 27th… but once again I post all my posts up at the end of the month. And, apparently, I’ve written the words “once again” in 9 out of my current 64 posts. This will be 10 out of 65.


I thought I’d managed to make my self-imposed 3 post a month quota until today. And then today I’m curious about this “once again” count and discover I actually missed posting 3 articles in the months of May and October in 2023.

I had the posts mostly written. I just forgot to finish editing them and exporting them. sadlol. Whoops. At least I got 2. And I suppose, if I have 72 total posts by the end of November, then I’ve averaged 3 posts a month since I’ve restarted this blog about nothing in particular.

Damn it.

This is still really bugging me though. I suppose this is just an example of the joys of ADHD. I thought I did something. I swear I did. But I did not.

It does not feel good. Especially when it’s something I wanted to do. Especially when it’s a goal.

Damn it.

Oh well. I’m not getting paid or anything for this. The only thing I’m getting out of this is practice putting myself out there and fucking around with Hugo. And, to a lesser extent, a log of all the things I’ve made an effort to do and have fallen on my face doing.

I am not feeling particularly happy about this discovery though.

Damn it.

I guess I could just finish the entries and ba ckdate them. Nothing’s stopping me but me. I don’t think I’ll stop me. Just not today. Which is me stopping me, today.

And in another kind of funny twist, to me, is that I forgot that September has 30 days instead of 31.

So, I’m behind a day.

But, in brighter news, I’ve continued to keep up my 10k steps a day streak. For 969 days now. For 2 years and 8 months. For 83,721,600 seconds.

I’m pretty happy with that.

Through 2 bouts of COVID, and at least a few days where I made step 10,000 a few minutes before the next day.

Granted, I’ve had a walking pad, so I haven’t exactly been getting in all those steps outside. But I’m still getting them in.

my garmin step records

I’ve also managed to beat my Most Steps in a Week and Most Steps in a Month records. I think I’m going to beat my Most Steps in a Day record too.

In October. Yeah. I’m gonna do it next month.

I’m taking 2 weeks off at the end of the month, so I will just walk all day (again). Which is how I got 91,644 steps in on a single day. A very, very, long walk that turned into a hike, and back into a walk.

I’ll feel pretty good that I’ll have managed to break all of my step records this year though. That’ll be kind of neat.

I think I’ll make an effort to get in at least 100,000 steps in on the day I break my record.

On the less bright side of life, since the beginning of last month — when I got COVID — I’ve been continuing to be working through a mean case of brain fog. This has sucked. Bad.

It’s been kinda like ADHD aloofness on steroids. I’ll start saying something and then the words will just disappear. For at least a few seconds, sometimes more.

I think it’s kind of funny when it happens at work. I’ll just be chatting away about something job related and then…

Bang… My thought train crashes.

And I just freeze.