A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention. — Herbert Simon

I planned on doing a bunch of things today. I did very little. Time fell apart.

After all, you can’t have time without Tim.

I’d planned on writing something on a different topic. And again, that is not the case. There seems to be a bit of a pattern with these posts. lol.

I remember when “lol” was new and cutting edge teen speak. When I was around less than a teen.

You know what’s really kind of a bother?

Creating Markdown filenames because I’m using Hugo - a static site generator.

Each file is typically named after the title. Although I suppose I could pick another system. And I probably will someday in the future.

So many things will get done in the future. I guess some are getting done now though.

Anyway, I got tired enough of normalizing filenames that i decided to create a simple script. I present to you…



echo "$@" | \
tr A-Z a-z | \
sed -E 's/ /-/g;s/[^[:alnum:]-]//g'
$ ./title-normalizer.sh 'Foreman Lifecycle Management, Organizations, Locations, Configurations, and !@#$!@#$'


That script is just so unique. So complex. So useful. AI don’t have shit on me.

It probably does.

On the topic of AI. I’ve still got a plan I thought about earlier in the year. And I still think there is some sort of merit. The general idea of a sort of gallery has definitely been done already, and I figured it would.

It seems that great ideas come to multiple people around similar time frames. Sometimes they come to others before everyone else.

The place is getting painted soon, and the carpet coming along short after.

I wanted to write more and do more and go relax. Unfortunately, time marches on never-ending. But effort is being applied in the right place.

I think I’ll keep this post short. Even though I wanted longer.

That’s what she said.