“The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and starting on the first one.” — Mark Twain

I thought this was going to be my first post, but apparently it’s my second.

I’ve been thinking about this a while longer than the last post though. Like waaaaaaay longer. That last post was a tangent.

This post… will probably go on another at some point

I’ve had this domain 1998-10-23. So as of now, that’s slightly over 24 years.

I made an effort to reboot it once or twice, but each time never really stuck. It never had much thought put into it. It never became a habit, a routine, or any sort of creative outlet.

So… I’ve only used it for e-mail, of which most of is now spam.

Because I used to use my personal e-mail address for work when I worked for the porn company. I mean, adult internet marketing company.

Only e-mail all the time.

Until now.

If you read the first post then you’ll know I’ve been egged on and encouraged by external folk.

Unless the people are just in my mind. I’m really not sure about anything drifting through my mind right now.
And you know what sucks? When you’re right in front of the monitor and the words all of a sudden disappeared. So cool.

Where do I start?

I suppose at the beginning. And, now to break it up.


  • Use the domain, currently this one which is timmy.org as of now — that I began renting from before our ICANN Overlords decreed that squatters and domain arbitrage were blessed practices — to glue content to.
    • Fuck you ICANN.
      • You could have easily put verbiage that prevented the reselling of ==rented domain names==.
        • You are a part of the problem, ICANN.
          • Shame on you.
  • Be consistent in the mining, researching, writing, editing, and publishing, content based on past, present, and future experiences, thoughts, and information.
  • Ensure the content is somewhat accurate. Loosely. Sometimes truthy. Sometimes complete fabrications of fiction… with those being more common as The Plan progresses. And sometimes, somewhat, racy to someone somewhere.
  • Ensure the content is creative, authentic, and unique to me — with my own somewhat unique, somewhat sordid, and somewhat darkly comedic, twist on, or to, it… and fess up to fuckups fast if one was made in some sort.
    • Little life lesson learned.
  • Leverage my more and more questionably relevant technical acumen to make this process as easy as humanly possible for me to quickly produce content, in a format that I’m pleased with, and publish it.
    • Use my journalling app of choice — currently Day One — to simplify the content production workflow.
    • Develop a tool that uses whatever mechanism Day One provides to most easily convert the content into a blog-friendly format for whatever software I’m using for the presentation layer.
    • Ensure that some sort of layout formatting method can easily be implemented if the journalling app has no native ability to perform operations such as the resizing of images, and control over how they’re presented and their placement. Which fucking Day One fucking doesn’t. Fuck.
  • Define a classification system — a taxonomy — that enables the automation of the publishing of the aggregation of content from any services I may use to produce. or provide, it. For example:
    • A quotes classification will pull quotes from an Airtable database then format the post as specified, such as a line of text or an image macro.
  • Implement some sort of Wiki-like inter-article linking system.
    • Use unique content identifiers so the article name can change but any references will endure.
    • For example, a quote’s unique identifier can be referenced by another post, or rendered inline within another article.
  • Use this as a testbed for the other projects I’m working on content for, then turn things into a process.
  • Have post titles with enumerators change enumeration format. 1, I, One
  • Aww fuck…
I was meaning to go WIDE then go deep. Instead I went deep… when I should have gone wide first. And now I did what I wanted to do, which was to write content that I will post tonight, but I approached it in literally the opposite approach that I was originally intending. lol.

I’ve now spent more time than I thought I would writing this entry.

You know, now that I think about what just happened there I just realized that that up there before this was the beginning.

I didn’t really start about it from the top down. Instead this was considered overtime over time from detail to epic.

What a tangent.

This whole thing where I’m here later than I thought I’d be in front of my keyboard has me deciding that I will split the plan into parts and acts. Each next act being a distillation of the previous. Which works since we’re all actors anyways.

Once again.