“Success is more a function of consistent common sense than of genius.” — An Wang

Just like the title says, I have been doing a lot of writing. Tons and tons of writing. Just not journaling.

And not on what I’ve really been wanting to write about… Yet. In fact, today, I wrote a lot… but for my LinkedIn profile. And yesterday and the day before, I wrote a lot as well… but for my resume.

Over the past 25 years, I’ve journeyed through the world like someone navigating a foggy path sprinkled with Carolina Reaper flakes. You think you’re headed one way, but suddenly you’re knee-deep in cold, spicy chicken soup, dodging tree branches and questioning your life choices… such as writing this LinkedIn profile.

My career has been full of unexpected twists, from teen tech enthusiast to leading teams that keep systems stable for millions of users. From dial-up debugging to cloud choreographing, I help mold digital chaos into high-performing, scalable infrastructure. And, as a Staff DevOps Engineer, I’ve led teams that scaled concurrent users by 159%… with 99.9% system availability.

Throughout my life, I’ve been somewhat of an accidental leader – not intentionally, but through a mix of technical skills, emotional intelligence, and an ability to see what’s next… plus I love putting puzzle pieces together — whether solving complex technical issues or bringing the right people together at the right time.

My neurodivergent brain (ADHD) is wired for pattern recognition and creative problem-solving. This unique wiring enhances my problem-solving skills and my ability to empathetically connect with folks across the full spectrum of neurodiversity, from support desk to C-suite. While I occasionally put my foot in my mouth, I’m pretty good at calibrating my communication in person.

Lately, systems thinking and the Viable System Model have refactored my perspectives on how organizations can better serve the people within them, the markets they operate in, and the systems and processes required to better meet people where they’re at.

This shift has sparked an insatiable curiosity into interconnected fields such as: cybernetics, transformational leadership, behavioral sciences, decentralized governance, scalable cooperative business models, and more. All contributing to a multidimensional model in my mind that I’m learning to apply to both tech and organizational challenges.

And, as AI continues to disrupt our systems, our careers, and our world, I’m passionate and committed to helping lead the building of bridges, teams, and organizations that will support our future societies.

I enjoy tackling the tough problems where technology, people, and organizational design intersect, so if you’re looking for someone who can navigate complex technical systems while reimagining how businesses operate and govern themselves, then let’s chat!

P.S. If you get a message from me that a little long, blame the ADHD and please gimme some grace… I’m working through it! 😊

LinkedIn allows 2,600 characters, that blurb of text is 2,599 characters.

Yes, I know it’s a little long. And yes, I know that iT’S nOt SUpeR pRoFEsSiOnaL, but it was strategically written to act as a filter.

A mechanism to repel people and organizations that I might not want to work for. And a qualifier for those that might want to work with me.

I figure if I put my personality up there, and up front, then I won’t have to worry about later — I won’t have to worry about masking.

I wrote the following “Professional Summary” and stuck it at the top of my resume too.

From dial-up debugging to cloud choreographing, I’ve spent 20+ years turning ambiguity and digital chaos (and the occasional existential crisis) into high-performing, scalable infrastructure that supports millions of people. From teenage tech enthusiast to Staff DevOps Engineer, I enjoy building teams and systems that thrive amid midnight outages and organizational changes. And from support desk to C-suite, my unique perspectives and excellent emotional intelligence enable me to connect with and support folks across the full spectrum of neurodiversity and beyond.

As AI redefines the rules of tech and society, I’m here to help teams not just adapt, but to flourish — bringing a potent mix of tech savvy and people skills to turn “mission impossible” into “mission accomplished.” If you’re seeking a leader who’s passionate about people and technology, and can navigate both system architectures and human dynamics with ease then let’s chat!

The same strategy applies. To be authentic and unique. And to hopefully build an emotional connection with any recruiters when my info gets past the (very stupid) Applicant Tracking System (ATS) filters.

I do have a bit of an advantage over many though.

I’m in no hurry to find a new role. Even though the current one I’m in has become more challenging to show up while remaining positive, I’m still doing alright at filling it. And there are still opportunities to grow my skills and continuing to work on building up a thick skin of patience and resilience.

So much writing. So much resilience. So much patience.