“Don’t get it right, get it written.” — James Thurber

Welp. There’s been nothing here. No thing. No server serving HTTPS requests. Not a thang for years and years.

The last time there was a thing, that there was some writing, that there was anything more than the nothing it’s been for quite a few years…


An angsty teen Tim had produced it, and it was about as cringey you’d hopefully expect being produced by that kinda teen at that kinda time. Laced with language that would very likely totally be construed as reprehensible by others now-a-days.

In fact, I was basically told so at the Paris Las Vegas Hotel. By some random lady who was eavesdropping on the conversation me and my cohorts were having. “You’re disgusting and should be ashamed of yourself.” She said. All I did was look at her and laugh.

So, I make no claim that the stuff I write will be any less cringy 24 year later. No guarantee. Nada.

Apparently I’ve had foot-in-mouth disease without consciously knowing.

Until recently.

Then I learned just how much ADHD can impact someone’s life. Like mine, and I’ll write about it another time.

Now, as an adult — theoretically — with a tiny more perspective — theoretically — I’ve realized that the nothing that’s been on this domain has been better than the something that was there over 20 years past.

Whenever you read this. Because then it’ll still be over 20 years past. Time does not go backwards yet.

So, as I have more and more experiences, as I meet more and more people, people seem to keep suggesting that I write what I speak, what I do, the context between the two, and what just happened — with most of the feedback falling into a few generalized categories paraphrasing down to sentiment such as:

  • “Wow. That is crazy. You should write a book!”
  • “You should start a journal and write down what just happened!"
  • “Have you considered getting into comedy? You’re really funny!”

Have you noticed the commonality?

Exclamation marks. The common theme between all the sentiment. Exclamation marks.

But, little does anyone know, I’m pretty much already a standup comic because every time I stand up, or participate in a stand-up, I think it’s comedic that I managed to do that without thought.

Plus I did stand in front of people at an amateur comedy club once, say some words, and observe at least 3 laughs.

Actually more.

I’ll stick with 3.

And, I’m basically my own standup comic in my mind. But I can’t stand up in my mind, so I guess it’s just my own personal mind comic. So exclusive. So fancy. So funny.

All I gotta do is look in the mirror.

An overactive “This Is Like That Meaning and Metaphor Making Machine” with a skewed sense of reality — fueled by that extreme case of raging ADHD — which went undiagnosed right up to divorce — makes thinking of questionably funny things fairly easily

And the coolest part about this is that when the This Is Like That Machine is fed more information, and experiences of all sorts, it has more that is like this material to make into metaphors… with the That Is Like This Machine!

Right after I wrote this post I decided to buy thisislikethat.com and thatislikethis.com. Take that domain squatters.

I guess it was pretty obvious to everyone else that I probably had bonafide ADHD, but I didn’t know shit about it other than it meant “scatter brained and bouncing off the walls” until pointed out to me that there are some very negative repercussions of undiagnosed, unmanaged, ADHD.

Something to do about processes referred to as executive functions.

Arguably, debatably, fortunately, I’m blessed with executive dysfunctions instead.

But, unfortunately, executive dysfunctions suck. Especially when the concept of time blindness over time compounds the challenges that’ll need to be addressed if they’re not. That’s fodder for another post in the past or the future or some other time undecided as of now.

That was a wild tangent… or was it?

Not really sure about anything anymore, including tangents. Which is overly simplified sentiment. Many things are actually just challenging and complicated at the moment.

I’m kind of surprised this first post has so many words — with even more to prune not possibly presented yet, if ever.

I believe I have a better chance of regularly posting content this time in my life because I’ve got quite a bit to post now.

It’s just a matter of making it a habit. Which I will. I have. And I will continue to have.

By I have, I mean I have, since this is my 587th journal entry. Produced by writing every day for 180 days so far.

And, holy fucking shit have things happened. Weird stuff happening at the right time to be recorded, in addition to wrong things — mixed with right ones too — recurring at a frequency that’s making life too much.

Thinking about what to think about, the other night I delved into my mailbox all the way to 1998… so much good stuff I’m unsure I wanna remember. But much of it darkly comedic taken in and out context, and some remind me of all sorts of past traumas.

There’s a story about a little engine that I believe applies to this little personal project.

I’ve never had a physical roller coaster make me sick…

This non-physical one that’s theoretically life though…


It’s something special for sure.

I told myself I’d post the first post post reset on 2022-11-11.

I thought it was going to be The Plan.

Instead… tangentially a tangent.