“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” — Winston Churchill

Today, I registered provide.io llc , and Contribulo LLC in the State of Oregon. I submitted the request for a new LLC shortly after midnight, and the Secretary of State got back to me at 14:34 with my new Articles of Incorporation for provide.io.

Shortly after registering provide.io llc, I registered the domain provide.coop.

It’s a restricted top-level domain. You’re supposed to meet certain requirements in order to be able to keep it. Hopefully I’ll be able to keep it.

While Oregon may not be the safest state as your Limited Liability Company’s home base, it sure is really fast at provisioning new entities.

As soon as the entity was provisioned, I virtually sprinted to the IRS Employee Identification Number web site.

Which for some reason has operational hours. That is so weird.

I then went to Mercury and signed up for a new bank account for provide.io at 3:14pm. At 15:25 I had a response stating that they wanted more information.

I then took 2 hours to bust my fucking ass to get an Operating Agreement made.

And at 18:23 I had a brand new bank account.

I went from no business, to having a checking account, in less than 17 hours.

I’m not sure how I feel like this. I feel like it’s kinda questionable to let me fuck around with shit like this.

Well… it will be until I have gobs of money so I can make some cool stuff.

But shit.


I managed to register provide.io llc on pi day. I registered provide.io, the domain name, on 2013-03-14. And I just registered provide.coop earlier… on pi day.

I’m feeling pretty alright today.

Now I just need to keep up the momentum. Whenever I interview people about my Integrated Cooperative Network idea…

Without calling it that…

People are almost always interested. People love the idea of owning something themselves. Much less in dealing with the interpersonal challenges involved in participating in a group though.

Enter the Human Integrated Potential (HIP) framework.

I used to call it the Multi-dimensional Socio-emotional Psychocybernetic Systems (MSPCS) framework. Peoples eyes would glaze over and they’d say, “I have no clue what you’re talking about.” HIP is more hip. I suppose. I am now 42 years old. I’m not sure wtf is hip anymore. Not sure at all.

I now have a shitload of abstract balls that I’m playing with. And by playing with, I mean juggling. And by metaphorical balls, I mean actual projects.

This is dangerous for me. That’s why I’m focusing on getting provide.io setup now. I wanna get it launched so other people can run it.

And then I wanna fuck around and find out with some other shit.