“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work." — Thomas Edison

Or is it a day on the end of the month? I’m not really sure. All I know is that once again this is a last minute trio of posts. While I am feeling pleased with myself for adhering to my self-prescribed 3-post protocol, I am also feeling less than that because… welp… I’m still feeling as if the world in a pinball machine and I’m the pinball.

And I’m pretty sure that quote is going to be one of those quotes that I come back to frequently.

That’s being melodramatic. Super melodramatic.

It is the end of the day at the end of the month again though, and I have barely a few minutes to finish writing this before my evening’s focus veers toward anything away from the monitor. Or screen. Or whatever.

It’s sunny. I should be being outside. Instead I am inside.

Two notable things happened today. The first was that I e-mailed a whole bunch of senior leaders at the organization I’ve been absorbed into.

This is something I’ve been meaning to do for a while now. It’s a good thing to make connections in the workplace with others that are at your role or above.

I’ve been so focused on context switching between strategic and tactical work on this cloud-migration project, in which I’ve been a primary lead of, that I’ve had little emotional bandwidth for more than focusing only on getting this project setup for success so I can go fuck around and find out with other people and other things. Waiting a little bit was sort of strategic and sort of not. Sort of. It was also a bit of procrastination… sort of.

I wanted to write my form e-mail just right. And now it is. So I sent a batch of e-mails out.

The neat thing is that somehow, someway, someone pointed [email protected] to me. Which means I can send e-mail as [email protected]. And my name is only Tim. No last name.

I decided to send all the e-mails as “Tim [email protected]” because I think that’s kinda funny. I’m going to attempt to get [email protected].

We’ll see.

The people involved in the conversation that’s gonna happen over [email protected] are gonna be funny. I’m totally serious though. I identify as Tim. All mononymic like, ya know?

I just broke my Mac mini. :(

It was stuck running on version 10.13. Because it’s so old. But I didn’t want 10.13. I wanted 13. So I went and downloaded OpenCore Legacy Patcher to fuck around and find out. And boy, did I just fucking find out.

I decided to go straight from macOS 10.13 to macOS 13, because why not? Seemed like a sane bet.

It was not a sane bet.

My poor little deprecated buddy is sick. It won’t boot up anymore. The black screen with the white apple and the progress bar beneath it sits there frozen with the bar having just 10-20 pixels of progress. Indefinitely. Until it eventually reboots and asks me if I wanna recover.


That’s what I get for fucking around and finding out sometimes.


Next I will attempt to restore it. Fortunately, I have an external drive attached and Time Machine setup so that there should be very minimal data loss since the morning… when I started the install… and when the last snapshot was.

I will also be downloading the installers for 10.13, 10.14, 11, 12, and 13. And then sticking them all on a multi-partition USB disk. And then continue to fuck around and find out. I’m sure I’ll get something to happen.

I kind of feel like I’m writing about nothing. Like some sort of Seinfeld-esque model or something. Dunno. I guess it’s something if it happened or if it’s thunk. 🤔

It’s kinda weird. I have more to write. Funnier stuff to write. Stories and shit like that.

Because fuck me I have a lot of weird shit happen.

I then find myself having more of a challenging time writing as life unfolds. Or keeping it in my mind long enough to remember the specific details.

I have a lot written over the last year now. Over 1,200 entries now. Quite a few of them are half or quarter or eighth assed though.

And I have filled in the blanks from the future. Often times writing a past entry with a questionable level of specificity and accuracy.

I also have a MacBook Pro that is stuck on macOS 12.

It’s what I’m writing this on right now, in fact.

I decided to invest in the HomeKit ecosystem for my home sentience project. Almost everything is HomeKit enabled, and the things that aren’t I have hooked up with Homebridge so it works in my HomeKit configuration.

The problem is when I updated I didn’t exactly heed the warning that said, “Some of your devices are not compatible with the updated version of HomeKit.” Or something like that.

And when it was upgraded it couldn’t be downgraded.

I really want my two personal macOS devices to work with the Home.app properly. 🥺

I continue to fuck around and find out.

Glad I have a local backup.

Sure glad indeed.

I probably should remember to do that with all my photos as well.

All quintillion of them.

Few ever to be gazed upon again.