“A hard thing is done by figuring out how to start.” — Rand Fishkin

Oh man. Fucking Siri. The other night I was in bed. At night. Because I’m usually in beds at night.

It was around 1:30 or something like that.

So I guess it wasn’t really night anymore. It was very early morning.

My lady and I were chatting about changing the relatively chill music we were listening to. Like all the other normal couples do at 1:30 in the morning, right?

She asks Siri to play “Enya Station.”

It played an alright song, but the next song was all sorts of meh. We did not get the Orenoco Flow. We were pretty disappointed.

So, I asked Siri to play an “Enigma Station.”

She did not play Enigma.

She played very heavy death metal.

At 1:30 in the morning.


We wanted it off but we were laughing too hard to get Siri to shut it… a change of station does occur though — to something way more relaxing.

And off to sleep.

I discovered the next day that the music was also streaming to my speak system downstairs in a public area. I discovered this because my girlfriend’s son said, “OMG the weirdest thing happened the other night. I came into the kitchen and this metal just started playing and I couldn’t figure out how to fix it!” I discovered that I had more to laugh about.

And, just like that, 2023 is done, or so the calendar says.

I managed to get my https://repo.l12o.com/ RPM repository setup, and an artifact of that is a neat little framework I wrote to help me build packages for it. All because AWS changed how Amazon Linux 2023 handled its so some of the ones that are critical to the systems I work on are no longer available through typical packages sources.

So I have to build my own.

And that’s why I get paid the medium bucks. Cuz I know how to build my own. Not really sure how to build the source materials… but I can take all those materials and build something that!

This year has been one for the books. That’s for sure.

My life has been subjected to an unending torrent of change that have made getting my bearings and balance slightly more challenging.

So many great things have happened this year. And so many not so great. I did not get a lot of what I wanted to get done, done.

Which has sucked. A lot. The feelings I feel when I feel I’m not doing what I feel like I might need to be doing. Sucks.

I’ve managed to continue to post 3 blog posts a month though.

I think that’s pretty cool that I’ve been able to maintain this velocity — even if it’s not as much as I was hoping I’d produce.

And I’m still trying to fucking figure out how to keep things in my life more in the middle of the road than veering off to the left or right… while driving across a bridge.

I could write more.

And I want to.

And I don’t.

It’s late.