“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” — Confucius

For years and years now my house has been in some sort of state of disarray. For much of my life I was able to successfully live in a state of, what some people call, organized chaos. However, living alone most of time time in a 4 bedroom house has permitted me certain unfortunate luxuries.

Luxuries such as living in a house with many mini mountains of whatever. It takes space to raise your own rocky mountains made of papers. Wires. Cards. Records. Lights. Whatever.

I don’t mean to let my place get into that kind of state that I think is kinda sad, but it happens. I get distracted by something way more enticing than dealing with organizing stuff and then become blind to it.

That is an ADHD thing too. So many ADHD things. So much impact. So little dopamine. So follow the dopamine trail. It feels better to feel good than to feel bored.

After years the piles of somewhat organized like things began to coalesce into larger, more disorganize, piles of stuff and things. Then repeat that a few times over a few more years.

I’ve no longer been living in organized chaos.

It has been straight up chaos.

Disorganized chaos.

Pretty sure disorganized chaos is just chaos. Pretty sure. Not sure about much though, so maybe I’m not sure. Dunno.

Today progress has been made in refactoring this living situation into a state of organized chaos again. Hopefully, maybe, I’ll be able to keep it in said state. Maybe even better. Hopefully better.

I’m pretty good at thinking about something, planning something, starting something, and then getting distracted by something so that other something ends up become something to resume some time other than now. That applies to organization. And todo lists. Especially todo lists.

It is the end of the month and I’ve made 3 posts again. So even though I’ve fallen off a few of the little personal projects I’ve wanted to work on. My house having a bit of a persistent hurricane contained within has made it more challenging to pursue personal projects because it’s challenging to remain positive when you feel very negative about your home.

Where you live.

Where you’re supposed to be able to calm down and relax.

Hopefully, maybe, improving the state of my living conditions will have me feeling more energized when it’s time to work outside of standard work hours.

And hopefully, maybe, the work that I put in outside of work hours will soon be able to become the work I perform during work hours.

Did you know that menstrual just means monthly? Archaically theoretically. News to me til now.

Until next mensis.

Which is tomorrow.