“Don’t get it right, get it written.” — James Thurber

About Writing

One month I’m pretty sure I won’t post all the posts at the end of the month. Some day of some month of some year I’m pretty sure I’ll write posts across time rather than all at once. Pretty sure…

Preeeeeeeeetty sure… 🤔

My journaling habits have been questionable as of late. And the blog entries are typically incubated from a journal entry.

Weeeeeeeell… except when they’re not. From scratch-day-of entries. Scratch. As in scratching an itch caused by a mosquito bite.

Also pretty sure imma be reusing that James Thurber quote quite often over time. That one, and that one Seneca one about suffering… and imagination! And reality. Yup. That one is gonna be reused like a favorite record.

Fucking end of the month writing.

At least I’m making my self-imposed quota so far. For almost a year. I’m pretty pleased with that. Even if it is just a log of random stuff that may or may not be realized. I’ll see how I feel about it when someone reads it to me. Maybe my own voice generated by AI. Yeah. That’d be trippy.

So, about writing: Hey look at me.

I’m writing.

Except you can’t look at me because there’s not a picture of me in this post. Unless it’s the future and there is. 🤷

It’s pretty fun writing like I’m you. Whenever I read this in the future then you will be me. That’ll be cool. You’ll probably laugh at yourself. Probably. I think.

Even though I haven’t been journaling, I have been taking lots and lots of pictures of my house in various states of disarray, and array, then disarray, then more disarray — as if a manic tornado beat the room then told it it loved it. So I remember something happened. A bit like a writing prompt. I was thinking about taking videos, but I decided that takes too much energy.

So pictures.

Gaslighting Tornado sounds like a band name. Or a special move in Mortal Kombat: Mental Health Edition.

I think that’s writing about writing right up there. I wrote about not writing, so I’m pretty sure that’s writing about writing too.

About Foreman

This post was initially a post about Foreman. Because I figured that if I had to write some shit for my day work then I might as well start it off with character and questionable grammar and then dim that writing down into whatever the fuck it is that is appropriate for the business context.

WTF is business context?

But, you know what? It’s easier to write about non-technical stuff. So much easier. Distilling tech shit down into its most important bits to speed up comprehension of configuration while providing the reason it is that way is mentally taxing.

So this blog post.

About Foreman? That’s about it about Foreman. There is no Foreman writing today. But there will be Foreman stuff tomorrow.

About Organization

I very much dislike going through years of stuff. I suppose it needed to happen eventually… it’s just terrible fucking timing.

My life has been filled with timing of impeccable nature. Positive and negative. These recent days have definitely been more oriented toward negative.

I’ve been finding pretty neat stuff. Like floppy disks. And old CD’s. And old conference memorabilia. And old cables.

So many cables.

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many.

I took pictures of them. Maybe someday I’ll come back and post them. I’m in a hurry to get this written and get off. Of the computer. Metaphorically. I am not sitting on the computer. I guess you could say my fingers were playing musical chairs on the chairs of the chiclets though.

But just because I enjoy it doesn’t mean I won’t let it go. That’s what these sweet high tech cameras are for. I can take a quick video and when I wanna reminisce I can just go right back in time.

It’ll be neat. There are memes about how you take a quintillion pics to never look at again. I resemble that. And then I realized that I’m not reviewing them now but I probably will later in time.

This has been obscenely challenging. Every thing I see elicits the emotions and memories that were associated with the thing. And that can be a lot to process when your mind throws you in the past so you can reflect upon the scene.

It is mostly unfun. But there are things that I’ve kept that have made me smile…

But just because I enjoy it doesn’t mean I won’t let it go. A visually stimulated memory elicitation is much more appealing than having meters of cubic meters of memorabilia.

It’s easy to overlook a pile of items when you’re blind to time. lmao. Apparently TikTok just “iscovered this. Did you know that TikTok is not a person? Yeah. I did. Neither is the Internet. It’s very hard to “break.”

It takes way more than some celebrity scandal to break internet infrastructure. Way more. dO Ur ReSeArCh.

Time blindness makes disorganization so much easier. And so does living alone. A state of disorganization seemed acceptable when I was living alone. It’s a less effective at supporting effective organization… and making it a routine.

About About

Pretty sure I wrote pretty sure about nine times.

Preeeeeeeeeetty sure. Sometimes my bath is no good. I mean math. Yeah. I’ll go with that. Math.