“Opportunities will come and go, but if you do nothing about them, so will you.” — Richie Norton



And again.

Apparently one of the memes I shared on one of the Facebook pages I administrate, Therapeutic Shitposting, went viral.

That was pretty cool.

I’m pretty sure the page was shadow banned so I wasn’t putting as much effort into providing more content… because if no one sees it, and I’ve got my own copy that provided me a laugh, than what’s the point? I guess to put it there… dunno. Sharing is caring is what they say.

The .meme top-level domain (TLD) was recently opened up to the general public to rent. I acquired at least a handful of .meme domains that are just fantastic.

Like shitpost.meme and fucking.meme and dotdot.meme and timmy.meme and more. I’m pretty sure some may have some really good resale potential.

And between now and when I started this post earlier, apparently I won shitposting.meme too. If only I’d the foresight to grab shitposter.meme. Damn. Ahh well. At least I can have https://therapeutic.shitposting.meme/

But I kinda wanna use them for something, which I’m keeping to myself for now. Cuz I don’t feel like typing about it at the moment.

I very much hold little respect for these modern registrars and TLD “owners.” They are now more frequently using a tiered pricing system based on the popularity of the word you’re trying to register.

That pretty much locks the everyman out of renting a domain that might cost $849.99 and a $849.99 yearly recurring rental costs. Rather than the less than $20/year that most domains cost. I’m looking at you tim.meme

You don’t purchase domains. You subscribe to them. Tiered pricing? To me that’s kinda good example of the rich get richer and the poor get poorer… or stagnant… or unsure of how to even register a domain name.

Having finally decided to create the code required to convert Day One’s JSON into a Markdown document that passes the markdown lint test, I’ve been focusing on getting that written and working.

In Python. Which I only have a tiny bit of familiarity with, and most of what I know about how it might work has been mapped across in my mind from other languages.

I’m on the MAX. I need to pee. And I sat in just the right spot to provide the sun access to my peripheral vision. That’s pretty cool.

Over the past 52 days I have managed to commit at over 2,200 lines of code. And quite a bit of it is all sorts of inefficient and hacky…

I’ve been using gitwatch to ensure every time I save a file that it’s committed o the local repository and pushed to the origin. I’ve committed over 6,000 times. That means I’ve Saved files in these development processes over 6,000 times. This likely also means that I’ve failed to get it working properly thousands and thousands of times… 🤦


It works.

Or it better, because this post is meant to be exported by it. 😎

Guess I’ll find out in a few.

It does-ish. Probably another 6,000 saves to go. At least. Definitely more.

Which is all to say that it feels pretty good when something’s working out in a way that pleases me. I’m pretty sure it does everyone. Pretty sure. Preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetty sure. I just can’t help but to think that most people ​don’t​ enjoy being displeased.

It’s so fucking challenging to even make my bed every day, so getting something like what I fucking wrote about last year is fucking great.

It’s pleasing.

And then the day ends on a note that is more challenging to work through…

I think I want to make AI memes.