“The end of the month. Constantly the E O M. Earlier some day.” – Tim

Ugh. Some day. This is probably some sort sign. If only it’d opened my eyes. The sign being to stop fucking writing everything at the End of the Month while you’re working through figuring out, organizing, and executing, a complex strategy.

Effectively enough to not be the lunatic.

I’m working through defining what a Member Trust Unions is though… I’m probably gonna make an effort to generate some… useful? Slop? That describes the concept. But better.

Definitely not here. But first mentioned here. It’s pm just a rebranding of a Credit Union. Heheh.

A novel implementation of nothing new. lol. Complex? Maybe. Novel, and new? Nah.

Maybe I should do article-based robots.txt. So this theoretically stays “hidden” from the search engines. Like my own little Ishtar egg. Probably because of that haiku, too.

ha fucking ha. Like this site isn’t already savaged by LLMs.

I’ve been doing my best to grok the complexity, and nuances, of the Viable System Model. This is somewhat challenging for me. I believe it’s beginning to stick. I need more time, energy, and effort, to invest in to poking it around, and piecing it together though.

I really like how it’s illustrated at “Viable System Model Example by Intelligent Organizations” I think it’s somewhat easier to map across to the Scaled Agile Framework.

Ha. Delivered Agile Delivery (DAD). Well, ain’t that interesting.

I think those can be both be chunked up, and mapped across, to Polycentric Governance. Which can then have labels such as “Distributed Governance.”

Which is then just an abstract term for concepts which are nothing novel, or new. Just thought about a little differently.


“What happens if this doesn’t work?” I’ve been asked over, and over, over the years. “Welp… it’s an interesting story.”

Rarely, some feedback I’ve received is that, “This sounds like X.” They get yes anded. Labels are so important. So “this” is not like “that.” Especially in the reality of the stupid, petty, adversarial systems.

I will make an effort to use a contest to build connections to fund an entity in which I’m a consultant… to collaborate on building this idea.


Strategic migration has also been on my mind. Both applied to this Data Center to Cloud Migration that I now find myself being a lead participate of. It’s kind of fun, and it’s kind of not at all.

It eats up so much energy, and my life still has such a large amount of uncertainty around some complex familial dynamics that I’m…


It’s complicated.

Regardless, I believe some of those abstract concepts also apply to the realm of organizational design and support systems.

Pretty sure.

“web2.5 for cooperatives” for the win.

Me: Pastes this article.

Le Chat: Remember, it’s okay to take things one step at a time and to seek help when needed. Complex problems often require collaborative solutions. Keep exploring, learning, and yes, even finding humor in the midst of it all. It’s part of the journey.
